P O Z I T I V . U A
A reputable eco-hub for opinion leaders with an AI assistant
for the interaction of business, educators and the media in the development of Ukraine.
Quarrels, behind-the-scenes games, pressure on business and freedom of speech. It does not add to the unity of 2022 when we were all united. Factors preventing effectiveness:
General media crisis.
Low communication with society.
Ukraine has significant gaps in strategic planning, policy formulation and coordination, public service and human resource management, accountability, service delivery and public financial management.
Social elevators, which should contribute to the democratization and European integration of Ukraine, do not work due to the low level of trust in the authorities.
Absence of the institution of reputation and responsibility.
In 2022-23, Ukraine received 85 billion euros for the development of entrepreneurship and the involvement of society in the management of the country. But funds without common purpose and priorities carry no reputational component and do not increase our resilience to war and resistance unless we work as a team.
Eco-hab is based on the Matrix open standard from Matrix IT Ltd. The service of identifying opinion leaders who have a high reputation and level of trust has been added to the standard . These thought leaders form a team that develops a program to save the country : economic growth, social development and national sustainability .
Eco-hub provides the following services:
A tool for finding and selecting thought leaders, media and education leaders
Mechanism of collective coordination of priorities of initiatives, disputes and decisions by leaders.
Distributes functions among leaders according to their preferences and level of trust.
Control of initiatives, disputes and reputations for media partners and opinion leaders.
Support, training and funding from educational partners to help implement thought leader initiatives.
A lost reputation can be restored by explaining, engaging and educating others.
Read more about the solution here .
The initial audience for Ukraine was $21.8 million before the start of the war in Ukraine.
Scaling up to $4.6 billion.
General market trends
The Manifesto of Sustainable Peace was developed The world after our victory
Society unites in search of solutions .
Allocation of funds from the EU and other funds:
Training in new professions that society needs.
Features and know-how
Components of hub leaders: Respect - Mentorship - Cooperation.
Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO)
The openness of all discussions and collective decision-making by a group of opinion leaders and their subsequent reputational responsibility.
A group of opinion leaders decides on the priorities of the initiatives.
Promotion of leadership initiatives and coordination in search of solutions with Impact Business through business practices.
Impact Factor for media partners
Leaders with a higher trust parameter have more functions.
Reputation is a nominal amount that is returned to the owner of the trust in case of loss of reputation. The reputation between the trust holder and the leader is not restored.
AI assistant in settings and searching for groups.
Startup stage and opportunities
Sowing stage. Stage of working model development
Negotiations with a Silicon Valley AI startup to promote thought leader initiatives
Action.Business is not publicly available information
CORDIS | European Commission is not publicly available information
Business model
Advertising of opinion leaders' initiatives on the pages of the hub, on partners' educational platforms and media partners.
Funds from innovative companies and Foundations supporting thought leader initiatives are shared between media partners, educational partners and the project.
Read more about the business model here .
Ideas of Oleksii Mas http://mas.kiev.ua
Fondateur and CEO Mas Larysa
head of the Ukrainian banner network bannerka.ua
manager of the Ukrainian portal uaportal.com
organizer of iForum.ua
infostore.org, vodila.net, internetmap.info, book.ua
Oleksiy Masya, investor of Craft Networks
Co-fondateur Svetlana Chernaya
Development Bymer
developer of bannerka.ua, infostore.org, ex.ua
Product development Viktor Kompaneiets
The team's experience in creating an eco-hub :
uaportal.com - a tree of friends
bannerka.ua - individual output settings, advertising - would demolish the model and
infostore.org - energy use at the core of the project
iForum.ua - holding an event, involving experts and influential personalities
Media partners:
Marketing and promotion strategy
Partnership with key media ✔️ , bloggers, cultural figures to monitor opinion leaders and identify initiatives.
Advertising of the hub by media partners, NGOs and educational partners.
Attracting funds from funds of other countries and Ukrainian initiatives for the development of the country.
Development plan
Writing the test model: until May 1 , 2024.
Receiving a grant from the EU. Submission of application until March 15, 2024.
Legal registration of the startup: March 15, 2024.
Customization AI for the user.
Cyber security measures.
Market release of the first version of the network with groups and Settings - June 2024.
Attracting investors for thought leader initiatives.